Artist Boss is produced by Jenny Dunseath Bath Spa University in partnership with Dr Mark Wilsher Norwich University of the Arts

It has been developed by a small steering group of educators, artists and researchers, with input from:

  • Barford Studios Ltd
  • New Art Centre Roche Court
  • Pool group: Olivia Bax, Charles Hewlings, Hywel Livingstone, Neil Ayling, Jean-Philippe Dordolo, Claire Baily, Rafael Blasco-Ciscar, Sophie Hoyle, and John Wallbank.
  • Jon Isherwood Bennington College, Vermont US
  • Ian Dawson Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton UK
  • BA, MA and PhD Students and staff at the aligning institutions
Contributors: Other featured artists:

Jenny Dunseath
Mark Wilsher

This research is supported by all represented parties and is part of Norwich University of the Arts ‘Created and contested territories’ research programme.

Image credits:
Anthony Caro courtesy of Barford Sculptures Limited. Photographers: John Riddy, John Hammond, Claire Greenway. Artists’ work courtesy of the artists.
Footage: Jon Warmington. Editor: C. Churcher.
Website and book design: Extra Strong